
Post-college, I have had one year of full-time work experience as an architectural designer at Aharonian Associates. I am on the Dunkin’ team so I’ve gotten a lot of experience with commercial architecture. We are an expedited review process team and we design Dunkins all over the northeastern US.

Previously I was employed at internships, full-time during school breaks and part time during school as a graduate student. I worked two summers and one winter working for Saratoga Associates, a multi-disciplinary firm in Saratoga Springs New York comprised of architects, landscape architects, and planners. At Newport Collaborative in Newport, Rhode Island, I work 16 hours each week while in school. I was there September 2019-March 2020. I mostly worked on projects remodeling historic buildings.

Overall, I have had the most experience in construction documents, drafting schematic plans, and documenting existing conditions digitally in both 2D and 3D. I have had smaller amounts of experience with client relationships and design as well. Some miscellaneous tasks have been maintaining an office-wide master spec file, rendering, and responding to RFPs.

Work Experience


College: Roger Williams University, Bristol R.I.

Degrees: BS in Architecture (2018), MArch (2020)

Minors: Sustainability Studies, Art and Architectural History

I am skilled in several computer programs: Revit, Sketchup, AutoCad, Lumion, Photoshop, and Indesign. I also am familiar with laser-cutting to create physical models. I love using energy simulation and rendering technology. Art has always been an important part of my life, and while I love digitally drafting, I still hand draw or model from time to time. Lastly, I am a competent photographer, and I regularly document my work with my Nikon D5500. I then use my knowledge of the Adobe Suite programs to really bring the photos to life. 


My Architectural Philosophies and Interests

I have been interested in building design from a young age, and thinking creatively to solve problems has always been a large part of my life. Therefore, the idea of arranging elements and aesthetic ideas both logically and pleasingly in buildings is something I enjoy. I think of designing as similar to putting together a puzzle, but in the world of architecture you can cut and reshape the pieces to some degree. Unlike in a traditional puzzle, the pieces aren't cut and dry. 

I grew up in upstate New York, and living in such a beautiful area has always made me feel that I should design sustainably once I've entered the workforce, in order to preserve what I and many others love and enjoy. I was on my school's brand new Energy Subcommittee as one of the first student members. The Energy Subcommittee is concerned with the energy usage of on-campus buildings. We would analyze their current energy use and make suggestions. 

I have interest in using architecture for humanitarian purposes. In August of 2012 I spent a month in New Orleans with Habitat for Humanity, aiding in the reconstruction of homes in New Orleans. Although it was a long time ago, this experience cemented my interest in humanitarian architecture as well as sustainable architecture and it made me who I am today. I also began to realize how much sustainability and humanitarianism go hand-in-hand when it comes to environmental justice.

Another interest of mine is art and architectural history, and historic preservation. In the summer of 2015, I worked with the Kippewa LLC Construction Company flipping a Revolutionary War Era House. I helped with painting and other interior finishes. I have also worked with the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation, which is a non-profit that works tirelessly to preserve Saratoga's architectural history and culture.