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Inspiring Change and Creating Community

My project began with a visit to the site, located in a run-down area on the outskirts of Providence known as Olneyville. The downtown area is home to pawn shops and smoke shops, and pedestrian traffic is underwhelming. We were to create a cultural and performance center for the children of the region and their families. The hope was that it could create social change, and even economic change. An additional goal of mine was to create a safe place for the children to have fun and make friends. The main circulation axis through the center, which features the hanging stairs made of colored plexiglass, is highlighted with a massive grand skylight overhead. Activity organization is as follows: the basement is home to parking for employees, children, and parents. The first floor has mainly public spaces, including the lobby, pre-function room, ticket booth, auditorium, and stage. However, there is also a private backstage area and set storage. The second floor has offices, set-making, costume storage, laundry, and a costume-making room. The third floor has classrooms, a multi-function lounge, and the rooftop playground. Lastly, the fourth floor has the black box and black box pre-function space. An important topic relating to program is that the children have multiple areas for relaxation. Many interior architectural elements are playful, because often playfulness and fun are sorely lacking in the lives of underprivileged children. For example there are colored skylights over the classrooms. On the building's exterior, the elongated steel panels stagger, the negative spaces create places for windows, which are also long and thin, and placed strategically, always taking into consideration the use of each room with every window.

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olneyville Rooftop w text.jpg
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